We've compiled some of the best Fire Emblem remixes out there, made by talented and dedicated fans who love the Fire Emblem series!
Fire Emblem: Etude for Piano in F#m OC ReMix
If you're into classical music, then here's a remix of the original Fire Emblem Dark Dragon and Sword of Light's 'Conversation' theme.
"More Than Just Comrades" by DjtheSdotcom
A remix of the recruitment themes from Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, and the original Fire Emblem recruitment theme.
You can download the song here or check out DjtheSdotcom's youtube channel here for more remixes from different games.
Fire Emblem Awakening: Main Theme Trance Remix by spikeware
If you're into trance music, then this is something you might want to check out. You can also listen to it on SoundCloud here.
Fire Emblem Thracia 776 - Together With Leaf Remix (NES Chiptune) by MarkyJoe1990
If you're fond of retro style chiptune from the NES era, here's a remix of one of the solemn and catchy sounds from Fire Emblem 5.
Together We Ride - Drum and Bass Remix by Maklibek
A remix of the classic (and probably the most known) Fire Emblem theme, Together We Ride.
Battlefields of Magvel (Synthetic Orchestra)
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Remix by Turkooyze
A remix of three of the battlefield themes of Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, which are Determination (Ephraim's chapters), Rise Above (Eirika's chapters), and Truth Despair and Hope (plays when twins are reunited). This is my personal favorite remix.